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Frequently asked


  • What genres is Belen Books interested in?
    Here at Belen Books, we love the written word of all genres, but to specify which ones we are currently interested in pursuing, please check out Submission Guidelines.
  • What is your submission window(s)?
    Currently, our submission window is closed due to having signed four amazing authors to our opening catalogue; however, future submission windows will be announced through multiple channels (this site, as well as our social media accounts). The best way to 'Be In The Know' is to Sign Up for our free Newsletter and/or Blog so to be notified as soon as we open the submission doors.
  • How long can my completed manuscript be?
    Generally, we would like to see strong manuscripts between the 50-120k word ranges, with the high end exceeding this number for very powerful stories that dictate such lengths. These manuscript word counts are partially dependent upon submission genres. Please see the Submission Page for more detailed information.
  • Does a request for my full manuscript mean that Belen Books will publish my work?
    A request for your full manuscript means that you as an author have enticed our curiosity to read the whole story, but that does not mean that we will buy and publish your work. If your completed work meets or exceeds what we are looking for, then we, Belen Books, will move forward to acquire exclusive rights to publish your manuscript.
  • Once I complete my initial submission, how long do I have to wait before I get a response?
    Authors can expect a response to their submissions between 0-3 months after the submission window has closed; dependent upon the number of submissions for that quarter we receive.
  • If my completed manuscript is accepted for publication, how long is the editing process?
    Our editing goal for any one manuscript is 3-6 months; however, the editing process will always vary on these three most important points: The overall length of the completed manuscript How polished the originally submitted manuscript is upon acceptance The willingness of the Author to make the deadlines set forth by the Editors involved
  • Does Belen Books have a ‘Slush Pile’ elimination process?
    In short: No, we do not have a common slush pile, providing that you follow the guidelines set forth on the Submissions page. Failure to submit by these guidelines will result in an immediate rejection, however; this does not eliminate a resubmission of your work if done so according to the guidelines. If you submit correctly, your submission will be read.
  • Is Belen Books a Vanity press?
    Absolutely not! Belen Books was founded on the base principal of being a fresh approach to global mainstream publication from start to finish and beyond. From acceptance to final edit, book layout design to cover, promotion to mass advertisement, and eye-catching, memorable video book trailers, Belen Books promotes our authors to the fullest extent.
  • Do I need an agent?
    No, you don’t, and if you do, that’s perfectly fine as well. During our Open Submission windows, you are free to go to our Submissions Page to see our guidelines and submit your work. Literary Agents may contact us at any time.
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