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Below is what the contest is based on depending on which book you are submitting for (see Submission Form dropdown selection). Depending on which one spurs your imagination, that, or your artwork can fit either, you can use these quick title breakdowns to decide how you approach your art. That, or simply knowing that they are for modern, urban, YA Fantasy books, that is enough for your artistic talents and move on to the next page. Either way, here is some information on the titles.




Book Five of The Siren Series


General Keywords: YA Fantasy, urban fantasy, sirens, Muse, Greek Mythology, teen, action, adventure, Greek gods and goddesses, mythological creatures.


Publisher Breakdown: Great grandmother of the lead protagonist of the series, Selena. Melody is the dichotomy between humans and the mythological realm. The original source of inspiration for both the mortal world and the Olympian gods. She is Inspiration incarnate. She is also the Mother of 'The Three' sister Sirens. The character of Melody is both gentle (the epitome of motherly love) and at the same time she is a fierce protector of her family. The cover should show the dark and light of her nature.


Protagonist & Plot: The premise of the YA Fantasy novel, Melody, deals with the relationship between the main character, Selena, and her infamous great grandmother, Melody; the first and most powerful of all of the Muses. It is a coming-of-age story in much respect, as it centers around the belief that with great power comes even greater responsibility. 17-year-old Selena must learn how to live among humans as a goddess while still carrying on her family’s ‘job’ as ‘protectors of the oceans’. During the course of the book, Selena truly learns that for every action there is an equal and sometimes fatal reaction.






Magic Most Foul


General Keywords: Ya Fantasy, urban fantasy, complicated life issues, action, teen, adventure, magic, evil is more powerful than ever, multi-dimensional threats, magical creatures, occult.


Publisher Breakdown: More ominous and darker than the first book, Modern Magic, with overtones of dread and wickedness, yet very magical. There’s humor, however. Expressive towards the title, Magic Most Foul, but suitable for the mid-teen reader and up. Lead Protagonist is a 16-year-old teen female, mixed race, long hair with waves. Not pale, not dark. Antagonist: Non-descriptive, dark, ominous, more inhuman than human.


Protagonist & Plot: Sixteen-year-old Nyssa, sister through Magic, Seema, and their caregiver/aunt, Lady Agatha strives forth after the horrific confrontation with the Anathema, and head to Dundalk, Ireland for some much needed R & R. Here, she discovers the birthplace of many ancient Magics, and the starting point where Nyssa begins to truly understand what being ‘The Next Coming’ means, both good and horribly bad.


Can she balance the inner conflict and stay true to the Pax Consortia’s way of life or was the Anathema going to have her after all?



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